Day 1 Linux : Introduction to terminal

Day 1 Linux : Introduction to terminal

Zero To Hero Linux Series

Turn on CENTOS7 virtual machine

To login as Superuser click on not listed >>> enter username:root enter password:xxxxxx >>> login

Open terminal

If you did not set hostname. Set it with the following command.

hostnamectl set-hostname centosbox


Verify hostname

To clear screen: Ctrl+l

To switch from GUI to CLI and CLI to GUI: Ctrl+Alt+F1 .......Ctrl+Alt+F8

$ symbol indicates Normal user

' # symbol indicates root user

[user @ hostname ~]

~ symbol indicates User's home directory

' user@hostname

Terminal shortcuts:

ctrl+shift++++Zoom in
ctrl--Zoom out
ctrl+shift+tTo open New tab
ctrl+shift+wTo close tab
ctrl+shift+nTo open new terminal
ctrl+shift+qTo close terminal

Basic Commands



To see particular year calendar

cal 2023

To clear screen (Ctrl+l)


who: It prints who currently logged in.


To check user, who logged in


To check user login terminal

who am i


Observe difference between who, who am i, whoami and w

To see executed command history


To clear entire executed command history

history -c

To switch GUI to CLI

chvt 2

To switch CLI to GUI

chvt 1

To shutdown

sudo shutdown

To reboot

sudo reboot

To restart

init 6

To turnoff

inint 0